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Inventory management solution

Inventory management solution

Get automated stock replenishment and smooth operations on every level of your retail supply chain. AI-based self-adjusting technologies guarantee high order accuracy, increased sales, higher turnover as well as minimized write-offs.
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ABM Inventory dashboard with inventory turnover, sales, and average inventory metrics.
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Effects of ABM Inventory Implementation

Turn the autopilot on in your store and warehouse inventory management and increase your turnover and profitability.

Reduce overstocks by up to
30 %
up to
increase in turnover
98 %
improvement in service level
20 %
fewer write-offs
Labor costs down by up to
80 %
Average project ROI in up to
6 month

Whatever the size or industry, we can help

Food & Beverages

Food & Beverages

Health & Beauty

Health & Beauty

Toy stores

Toy stores



Pet stores

Pet stores



Auto parts

Auto parts



Liquor stores

Liquor stores

ABM Inventory System: features


Demand forecasting

Automatic replenishment

Fresh category management

Multi-echelon inventory optimization

Multi-scenario seasonal planning

Promotion planning and execution

Analytical BI module

Automation of assortment rotation

  • Operational

    Up-to-date task lists and specific indicators that show surplus or lost sales and changes on a daily basis. If the dynamic turns negative, the system generates an additional report that helps you to understand the reason for the development.

  • Strategic

    Comprehensive analysis of stocks, sales, availability, and turnover as well as their dynamics, system efficiency, and the accuracy of the generated orders.

  • Insights

    An analytical overview of the inventory structure that allows you to focus on problem areas that could seriously impact the business.

Прогнозирование спроса с использованием машинного обучения в ABM Inventory
  • Strategic decision making

    Precise ML-based forecasting allows you to make informed decisions regarding assortment expansion, opening of new stores, planning annual budgets, and KPIs.

  • Determine the level of influence for each demand factor

    The system takes into account only statistically significant factors, omitting negligible factors that reduce the accuracy of the forecast.

  • Forecasting based on business specifics

    Depending on the specific requirements, the system builds a forecast using one of 3 forecasting models.

  • Assortment management tailored to customer preferences

    Your customers will know that they will always find the right product at an affordable price. And you will be sure that they will come back to you.

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Автоматическое формирование и отправка заказов на основе анализа спроса и остатков
  • Calculation of the required quantity of goods

    Taking into account the demand for each SKU at each point of sale and analyzing the available balance and goods in transit.

  • Formation and dispatch of orders

    Every day, after calculating the demand, orders are automatically generated based on the assortment matrices and schedules. Then the orders are automatically sent to the user's system and suppliers.

  • Automatic editing and control of order fulfillment

    Allows the supplier to edit the quantity of goods after receiving the order, automatically updating the information in the sent orders and track the delivery time of the order, sending a notification to the manager in case of delay and recording information about the delay in the analytical report.

Управление запасами свежих товаров в ABM Inventory с учетом сроков годности
  • All key factors are taken into account:

    Demand forecast, order fulfillment time, packaging and supplier restrictions, demand volatility, available stocks.

  • Remaining shelf life and weekday-related demand variations are accounted for

  • A simplified analogue of LIFO batch accounting

  • Required availability level:

    Set an acceptable level of availability for each item to avoid write-offs.

  • Ensure inventory balances

    Transparent, unified inventory management process at all levels of the supply chain due to the close connection between supply and demand of goods.

  • The system takes into account various business supply processes:

    Classic warehouse storage, cross-docking, pick by line, pick to zero.

  • Flexible settings

    The flexibility of the algorithm is such that you can include all the necessary factors and features of delivery.

Многосценарное планирование сезонных товаров в ABM Inventory.
  • Automatic calculation and application of seasonality coefficients

    The software factors in demand fluctuations for a regular assortment, seasonal goods, and those that are available only for a limited time, too.

  • A set of different scenarios

    Different scenarios are applied depending on the market situation.

  • Quick analysis due to high-quality visualization

Прогнозирование и анализ эффективности промо-активностей в ABM Inventory.
  • Sales forecasting and preparation for promotional activities

    The forecast is generated with the help of ML models that consider various factors affecting the demand for promotional products.

  • Flexible response to actual demand during the promo period

    The system analyzes sales and demand, recalculating the required inventory level for each store, which allows you to strike the balance between high product availability and minimal overstocks across all outlets.

  • Promo performance analysis

    Quickly assess the promotion’s effectiveness by evaluating the plan/fact numbers, balances, turnover, product availability level, and sales lost during the campaign.

BI модуль для анализа эффективности управления товарными запасами в ABM Inventory.
  • A flexible BI tool based on the Qlik Sense platform

  • 40+ reports to analyze the efficiency of inventory management

    These include ABC(D) + XYZ assortment analytics, inventory availability and turnover, reasons for lost sales, supplier service level, effectiveness of promotional activities, analysis of overstocks, and many other reports.

Автоматизация ротации ассортимента и прогнозирование спроса на новые товары в ABM Inventory.
  • Demand forecasting for new products

    The system automatically forecasts demand and generates the first order based on historical sales data for analogs, substitutes, or groups of products with similar characteristics.

  • Withdrawal of an item from the assortment

    The status of goods at different levels of the supply chain automatically changes based on the balances.

Over 500 companies worldwide have already automated their business processes with our solution

Meet our clients

The implementation stages

Express diagnostic
Express diagnostic
We analyze the activities of a company to define project goals and work areas.
Business processes audit
Business processes audit
We thoroughly examine the specifics of inventory management and develop a plan for system implementation.
Agreeing on the project charter
Agreeing the budget and work plan, defining responsibilities and timelines.
Database integration
Integration of all the necessary information from the accounting system and data collection for each SKU.
Pilot Launch
Pilot launch in several stores or with a specific product category, along with specialists' education.
Connecting the entire chain to the system and a detailed demonstration of the new features for employees.

01 Express diagnostic

02 Business processes audit

03 Implementation

Express diagnostic

We analyze the activities of a company to define project goals and work areas.

Business processes audit

We thoroughly examine the specifics of inventory management and develop a plan for system implementation.

Agreeing on the project charter

Agreeing the budget and work plan, defining responsibilities and timelines.

Database integration

Integration of all the necessary information from the accounting system and data collection for each SKU.

Pilot Launch

Pilot launch in several stores or with a specific product category, along with specialists' education.


Connecting the entire chain to the system and a detailed demonstration of the new features for employees.

Advantages of working with us

Мы – рядом с вами

We are always by your side

We guarantee support, assistance and consultations at all stages of our cooperation.

Мы – рядом с вами

Continuous Improvement

We actively implement innovations in the system and respond to our clients' suggestions.

Мы – рядом с вами

Proven Track Record

With over 1000 successful implementations, we have earned our clients' trust.


How does the system order fresh and ultra-fresh?

The system takes into account the remaining shelf life and allows you to set up LIFO batch accounting. It monitors the valid carryover balance and predicts potential write-offs. There is also a shortage management scheme that allows you to sell goods with a zero balance for delivery as much as possible.

Does the system take into account expiration dates?

Yes, the system takes into account the remaining shelf life.

The system takes into account the statistics of historical periods. For what period?

The system takes into account the history for the last 3 years.

Does the central office or stores make orders?

Usually, 95% of the assortment is determined by the central office, and stores can influence the adjustment of orders only for ultra-fresh products.

How long does it take to implement?

It really depends on the maturity of the company, the availability of established business processes, and the correctness of the data on balances.

Do you have experience working with companies that have a lot of problems with balances?

Yes, we have an algorithm that calculates the need based solely on sales and receipts. The project usually lasts 5-7 months.

Get in touch with us

Learn more about the opportunities for your business during a consultation with an ABM Inventory expert.

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Чем полезен семинар по управлению запасами
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