Cloud-based TMS system for transportation management

Nowadays technologies are developing so drastically that continuous search of transportation management systems’ improvement ways has become the norm. Global trends show that most modern TMS software is based on cloud computing and the cloud-based TMS system for transportation management is becoming a must-have tool for logistics.
This fact is explained by the availability and easy utilization of cloud-based solutions; moreover, upfront costs are minimized. As a result, we obtain an almost immediate return on investments owing to improved route planning and modernized logistics system management. Besides, TMS solutions give the companies a deep and consistent understanding of their supply chain that allows applying each decision in an individual order.
Eventually, TMS software gives organizations plenty of detailed and valuable information that is effectively applied to all transportation stages, can lead to powerful business analysis and increase financial and operational efficiency. Many companies, apparently, understand it. If we ask a question about how important reports on a carrier’s work are for the organization, three-quarters of all will answer that they are “important” or “extremely important”, in spite of the fact that many companies even have no opportunity to provide such reports.
Why do companies hesitate to implement transportation management programs, considering the high level of understanding of their value? The biggest obstacle for the majority is the lack of technical resources and opportunities to maintain the system’s work adequately. Besides, delivery problems in a chain tend to take the last places on the priority list for optimization. Companies often assume that transportation management system implementation is extremely expensive and labor-consuming. However, at the present time, this is an unreasonable concern. Cloud-based model of logistics management systems has significantly facilitated implementation and support processes.
Cloud-based solutions for transportation logistics management that are present on market today, allow companies to:
- create a reliable information base and automate data flow.
- provide transparency and permanent control of order load and status.
- eliminate passive stay time in a warehouse.
- provide simplified communication between carriers and suppliers.
- store information on clients’ addresses and locations, operating time, time at the client’s site, restrictions and contacts.
- use a wide set of various online reports on orders, clients and expenses to enable the logistician to see additional opportunities for savings.
Transportation management systems based on cloud computing provide companies with stronger economic arguments for implementation. They offer fast payback, minimum capital investments, and price, which is much less than brought savings.
Transportation logistics system implementation will have a positive impact on the leading supply chain processes after a couple of weeks of use.
Success stories about logistics in the biggest companies
If your company functions in retail, distribution, manufacturing, e-commerce, or third-party logistics, probably you already need to reduce final mile delivery costs and improve customer experience.
Watch the video to know how to cut down last-mile delivery costs with TMS. CEO of ABM Rinkai TMS spoke about:
- Actual problems in last-mile delivery in 2022;
- How to triple the profit from final mile logistics;
- TMS selection criteria in leading retailers and distributors companies;
- How Bidfood’s logistics department reduced logistics costs by 15%;
- Why it is impossible to achieve the maximum return from TMS without customer success;
- System demo: how it works in real-time.
You can learn everything about opportunities, technologies and transportation logistics optimization effects for your company by watching ABM Cloud webinars.