International Beverages Tashkent cooperates with ABM WMS!

International Beverages Tashkent is the official bottler of PepsiCo in Uzbekistan for production of soft drinks of famous international brands Pepsi, Lipton, Adrenaline Rush, Mirinda, 7UP and Mountain Dew.
ABM WMS implementation in IBT company started in December 2023 with the organization of raw materials warehouse and finished goods warehouse, the total area of which is more than 26 000 m².
During the implementation of the warehouse management system we managed to realize all the tasks that were defined before the start of the project, among them:
- automation of warehouse processes and operations
- control over expiration dates, compliance with the FIFO principle
- creation of the correct zones for storage of inventory and topology of the warehouse
- implementation of KPIs for warehouse employees
- minimization of human factor influence
- ensuring transparent reporting
Key effects of the system implementation:
- individual picking speed increased by 50%
- 97% reduction of resource errors in the selection process
- it became possible to increase the turnover of the warehouse, to optimize storage locations in the warehouse of raw materials and finished products, which, accordingly, allowed to make the groundwork for the growth of production volume.
Since the impressive results of the pilot launch of the project did not take long to wait – the company decided to scale the system to the second plant, which the team ABM WMS automated in May of this year.
We are grateful to International Beverages Tashkent for cooperation and trust, and we wish to conquer new business peaks!