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The first Ukrainian specialized chain of gadgets and accessories stores with more than 70 stores and its own online store.
7 200 м²
Warehouse area
25 000+
Active SKUs
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Prerequisites for implementing ABM WMS

Lack of prompt processing of identified defects or shortages
Manual replenishment of inventory from the storage area to the quick picking area
Poorly controlled procedure for consolidating collected goods from different warehouse areas
Lack of a single tool for managing warehouse, resources and analyzing warehouse activities
Decrease in customer loyalty

ABM WMS implementation results


of operators' work

Increase the speed

of placement and shipment of goods

Reducing the impact of the human factor

minimizing the number of errors in warehouse operations

Conducting an inventory

at any time without stopping the main warehouse processes

The ability to scale

the warehouse management system to meet the rapidly growing needs of the company

Key effects of ABM WMS

  • the number of re-grades decreased to 0.02%
  • the number of errors at the stage of selection and control was reduced to 0.1%
  • time for processing one order was reduced by 3 times
  • it is now possible to track the step-by-step movement of goods in the warehouse (detailed transactions)
Increase the efficiency of your warehouse with ABM WMS

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Чем полезен семинар по управлению запасами
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