Re-ordering, inventory in a retail store

Store inventory or re-inventory is regularly conducted to compare, reconcile available goods and accounting data, and is a regulated process of the retailer.
Re-ordering, inventory in the store
It is desirable to conduct the inventory count in a non-operational store, for example, at night, but it is also possible to conduct the inventory without closing the store. It is necessary to choose a time with minimum store load based on check sales analysis, prepare the accounting system – close the period, restore the database, eliminate incorrect movements. When the goods on the shelf are recalculated, access to the shelf is blocked.
If during the inventory is also the acceptance of goods, it is desirable not to mix overcounted and accepted goods.
Once the inventory is taken, the amount of shortages should be adjusted by the amount of sales of the current shift.
For fast and accurate recalculation of goods, a size-aware barcoding system is used for fashion stores and data collection terminals with barcodes for packages and weight goods for grocery stores.
That is, an employee of the store with a RTD walks around the store and scans the goods, as a result of which a document with actual balances is created and compared with the data of the accounting system.
This approach significantly reduces the likelihood of errors and ensures the accuracy of the recalculation.
But there are also other ways. For example, you can count goods and glue pieces of paper with the quantity, scan a bar code and enter the quantity of goods into a document. Weighted goods can be bagged as part of the inventory or weighed on a scale and recorded on a form with an internal product code. When recalculating the checkout area, the cashier can run all goods through the cash register by generating an “inventory” document in the accounting system.
The amount of inventory can be greatly affected by the re-sorting of goods. Due to salesperson errors or self-service scales, an expensive item can be a big minus, while a similar cheap item can be a plus. All shortages and surpluses, for which there are doubts, should be checked against the results of past inventories.
If doubts remain, the theft should be dealt with.