The need for accurate budgeting
Budgets are prepared and controlled manually
There is no unified database of analysts' sections
Imperfect and untimely reporting
Insufficient control over the budget approval process
Inconsistency between centres of financial responsibility
Based on the existing problems, the main goal of the project was to set up and automate the company's cash management system to improve business efficiency.
Development of the project concept and design
A project charter was developed that describes the main tasks, success criteria, implementation plan, project framework, and other important organisational issues.
Developing a methodology for the budget planning system
The budget structure was updated, which subsequently became the basis for analysing the company's activities. The structure of budget items was reviewed and streamlined. Those responsible for providing information on budget items and those responsible for divisions in branches were updated. Responsible for providing information on budget items and responsible for departments at the Head Office were appointed. Thus, a matrix was drawn up: Budget line item – Responsible unit – Unit providing information.
After that, the management accounting methodology was developed. The developed chart of accounts, analytics, all accounting rules, and report forms (Financing Plans and Cash Flow Budget) were transferred to the system.
Budget planning
Forms have been developed for entering planned information for each funding section. This makes it possible to obtain consolidated budgets in the required analytical sections: CFR, Cash Flow Budget Items, Nomenclature Groups, Activities, Codes, etc. Separate proforma registers have been set up for each level of approval, where you can approve the entire budget, make changes, approve or reject a specific amount.
The data entry technology has changed significantly: if earlier the unit entered planning information into an Excel form, which was both a data entry form and a report, now a separate form is used to enter data, and final reports and control of results are carried out through customised reports.
Document management of contracts
The business process for approving contracts online has been set up. The applicant fills in all the important details of the contract, in particular for management accounting and the payment calendar, in a proforma. Approved contracts automatically reserve an amount in the budget so that this amount can be paid only under this contract. As a result, paperwork has been eliminated.
Payment calendar
In the course of the Payment Calendar block, a methodology and regulations for planning and making payments were developed, and responsible persons for submitting payment requests and approving them were identified.
Formation of a monthly budget
Proformas for monthly budget requests and a complex business process for their approval have been set up. The Task Executors register has been set up to assign responsibility. Forms and automatic generation of payment registers have been set up to approve applications by registers. Before the beginning of the month, the financial services draw up a general payment plan for the month, – the Scheduled Payment Register.
Based on approved payment requests, automatic generation of payment orders is set up. Integration with client banks has been set up, with simultaneous reflection of actual cash flows in management reporting for all departments.
Results of ABM Finance implementation
A comprehensive information system for business management was introduced.
A single cash flow management system for all branches
Automated application approval processes
Automatic monitoring of budget compliance
Prompt receipt of reports
Significantly reduced planning time
It is now possible to quickly conduct a plan and actual analysis in a single system
All payments are "in the palm of your hand" – with all notes, approvals, attached supporting documents, etc.
Increased business efficiency

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