Lack of a unified accounting system
Management reports are generated manually in Excel
No full-fledged management reporting package (Balance Sheet, P&L, CashFlow)
Labour intensity of obtaining consolidated reports and budgets for all business areas
No actual CashFlow by direct method

The need to promptly receive an analysis of key indicators and the company's plan-fact
A unified information database was created
Reporting techniques, rules for obtaining and broadcasting data from the primary circuit, and analysts have been developed
Requirements for the BAS accounting system were formed
Training of analysts in setting up ABM Finance
Developed an accounting model, a methodology for generating final reports and transcripts
The translation of the fact (mapping) to a single database to the management chart of accounts is set up
Proformas for additional transactions and adjustments have been set up
The business process of generating a package of operational management reports and final reports has been automated
Methods for planning budget items were formalised and a budget planning model was developed
Proformas, planning tools and budget downloading from Excel have been set up
Financial reports and cost budgets are set up
Regulations for the budget planning unit have been drawn up
Results of ABM Finance implementation
Qualitative changes
A unified information database was created
All contracts with counterparties have been processed and linked to cash flow items
Due to the flexibility of the product, the system has implemented a rather complex production planning process
Information in the accounting databases was systematised and streamlined
The complex methodology of management accounting for all organisations has been finalised and automated
Optimised composition of nomenclature groups and types of nomenclature
Transparent and comparable plan-fact - a single nomenclature of raw materials
Reduced labour intensity of planning and improved quality of information received
The management receives summary reports (P&L, Balance Sheet, CashFlow) for the group of companies with the possibility of decoding in the required analytical sections

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