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Antoshka is a large chain of children's stores in Eastern Europe. The company has been on the market for over 25 years and operates a developed network of 42 stores and its own online store.
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The main objective of the project was to optimize inventory management, reduce costs and improve efficiency.
Lack of transparency in ordering metrics. Managers often ordered too much or too little, negatively impacting inventory turnover.
Floating delivery schedules, which made inventory planning difficult and led to shortages in stores.
Отсутствие отчетов и простой визуализации показателей. Отсутствие четкого представления о ситуации усложняло анализ запасов и выявление проблемных зон.

Progress of the project

Analysis of the current state

Examine existing inventory management processes and identify problem areas.

Implementation of ABM Inventory system

During the implementation period, data exchange between the ABM Inventory system and the retailer's system was set up, the assortment of goods was connected to the ABM Inventory system, and training was provided to the network's specialists.
The project manager, IT specialists and procurement specialists of the retail chain were actively involved in the implementation process. The whole process was carefully planned and took into account the needs and requirements of the partners.

Testing and optimization

After the system was launched, its operation was tested and necessary adjustments were made to optimize inventory management processes. The problem that appeared during testing - the problem of accounting for goods “in transit” - was solved right at the implementation stage. Now the data on such goods are correctly taken into account when placing orders. In addition, the possibility of simultaneous reflection of virtual composition (distribution composition) in the system was realized. This allowed to correctly take into account the balance of goods when placing an order.

Results of ABM Inventory implementation

The results obtained for Antoshka:

Pilot categories were selected to launch the ABM Inventory system: hygiene, baby food and nutrition. From February to July 2023, products in these categories were fully guided by the system (96% of ordering and distribution tasks were automated).

5 %
implementation of ABM Inventory system resulted in increased availability of goods
17 %
sales increased after the implementation of the system
18 %
turnaround time decreased, from 59 to 50 days

Qualitative changes:

  • The implementation of ABM Inventory allowed us to track and analyze inventory data more clearly, which improved our understanding of the current situation and allowed us to respond to changes more quickly.
  • The system has helped reduce order errors and simplified the order planning process, resulting in improved store efficiency.
  • The system made it possible to plan the supply and distribution of goods more accurately, thus reducing the risks of product shortages and overstocking.

Customer Feedback

Head of Purchasing

«The integration of ABM Inventory into the Antoshka network has led to a significant increase in sales and improved inventory management. Changes in business processes have allowed us to optimize the work of the purchasing department, make order calculation and campaign planning more accurate. Thanks to the system, our specialists will be able to analyze results more effectively and respond to problematic issues in a timely manner».

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Чем полезен семинар по управлению запасами
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